Attendee Virtual Hiring Events walk through.

1) Log in to

2) Navigate to the “Services” icon on the top left of your screen.

3) Click “virtual hiring events” under the jobs section.

4) Click on the event you registered for under the “My Events” section.

5) Click the blue “Go to Lobby” button to enter the event.

6) You are now in the event lobby.

7) You have the option to filter your search of the lobby by Job Category, Job Title, and City.

8) You can now navigate to the companies that interest you.

9) You can apply to active job postings once you have entered the booth.

10) Some events may have the “Book a time” option with a recruiter.

11) To chat with an organization, you will need to click on the Blue “Chat with” button on the right side of your screen and you can now chat with the Organization in the chat column.

12) Click the “Back to Lobby" button to return to the main lobby.

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